Saturday 4 December 2004

Javapolis BOF - any tips?

I'm off to Javapolis in Antwerp so I'm hoping to meet other OSSers there. Seeing as Joda-Time is still an obsure project, I thought I'd host a BOF session to stir up some interest. So, does anyone have any tips on the BOF format? Or questions they want answering?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steven,

    Perhaps you can broaden the subject of your BOF. Since the conference has a presentation on JDNC, it might be interesting to compare Thinlet with it :-).
    I'm currently evaluating Thinlet and I must say I'm pretty impressed. One of the things I did, was to see if it was feasable to create a custom widget. Also I investigated the possibility to integrate thinlet with javascript.
    I'll email you the sample code. It was well doable but making some minor changes to the Thinlet classes, would result in cleaner code.
    If you're interested having me contributing these changes to the Thinlet project, please let me know and we can briefly discuss a design for it at JavaPolis.
    (It could become something like:



    (or even better )

    ... )

    See you at JavaPolis,
    Koen Roevens


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